Let’s Talk About Ear Wax
Wax (cerumen) impaction is a very common reason for visits to the ear nose and throat office. There are some things you can do to prevent bothersome plugging of the ears, however. Earwax is produced in the outer 1/3 of the ear canal in an area called the cartilaginous (flexible) ear canal. Cerumen usually doesn’t get deep into the ear canal unless it is pushed, either with a finger, Q-tips, or sometimes with a hearing aid. Cerumen, which is the name for earwax, is produced by glands in the skin of the outer ear canal. Ear wax is beneficial to the body. It has oils and other chemicals that prevent infection, so it helps protect the ear canal. If you have too little wax, it can result in dryness, itching and irritation and sometimes infection.